business news in context, analysis with attitude

...with brief, occasional, italicized and sometimes gratuitous commentary…

• The International Council of Shopping Centers has released its annual back-to-school survey, concluding that more than one-third (34%) of households have already begun shopping, that "67% of BTS shoppers plan to spend more than last year," and that "consumers still prefer physical stores for BTS shopping, with 83% of their purchases involving a store, including 7% of purchases that will be made online and picked up in-store."

The survey also says that "BTS shoppers are still very price and deal driven. They expect to get the best deals in August, which could be one of the reasons that they plan to do the majority of their BTS in August. Consumers are also influenced by marketing and three-quarters (74%) of households report that they will likely start BTS purchasing when advertisements from major retailers begin to appear."

Not to be cynical, but I would've been surprised if the International Council of Shopping Centers had come out with a survey saying that more people prefer online back-to-school shopping. All I know is that when it comes to making a choice between the crush at Staples or the relative ease of online shopping, I much prefer the online experience.
KC's View: